

The project has been funded under the following public intervention

Measure 7

Investimenti in immobilizzazioni materiali

Intervention type 7.5.1

Infrastructure and information for the development of sustainable tourism in rural areas


Creation of a system for the fruition of the tourist product through traditional information devices on the territory (notice boards) and innovative systems such as multimedia totems, completed by the e-bike recharge service. The fruition is amplified by the help of digital devices (website/webapp) complete with video stories.


Enhancement of the historical system of hydroelectric power plants along the Agno river through an innovative use characterized by the installation of e-bike stations and related services, charts, multimedia totems with information on the itinerary and tourist products of the area related to the theme of energy of the territory.


System identification and digital information instrumental support for use.

Amount financed

159.880,94 €

Institutional Collaborations

The municipalities of Valdagno, Recoaro Terme e Crespadoro


ITINERARIO ENERGIA: Information and images from the book Energia dall’acqua di Samuele Sottoriva – Cierre Edizioni 2017, with the contribution of Impianti Agno, with the collaboration of Eusebio Energia.

Itinerary Energy is an idea born from Impianti Agno and Municipality of Valdagno

Photo Credits: Archivio Genio Civile Vicenza, Archivio Impianti Agno / Eusebio Energia, Andrea Buttazzi, Studio Filippi & Nardon Associati

Thanks for the photos of Crespadoro, Recoaro Terme e Piccole Dolomiti: Gianluca Menti, Manuel Consolaro, Nicola Zini

Website design: Interplay Software